Christians and The Lightning Process
Pep shares her experience of taking the Lightning Process training as a Christian, how it fits with her faith and her transformation from the debilitating symptoms of Long Covid to recovery.
Tanya shares her experience of recovery from Long Covid using the Lightning Process. She struggled for 5 months with dizziness, headaches, brain fog and overwhelming fatigue, all of which she resolved using the tools of the Lightning Process. Tanya also shares her thoughts on taking the Lightning Process as a Christian, and how it helped her faith.
Thoughts from Anna...
I just want to share something that may be helpful to Christians who are considering taking the Lightning Process training, and are wondering about how it fits with their faith.
Firstly, I am a Christian. I understand the concerns, as I had them too when I was first looking into the Lightning Process for our daughter. However, having been alongside our daughter as she did the Lightning Process - and now having completed my training as a Lightning Process Practitioner with Phil Parker, I can honestly say the whole experience has helped my Christian faith, and not hindered it at all.
As Christians, we believe that God is the source of all healing. However that doesn’t stop us seeing a doctor for treatment when we’re unwell, it wouldn’t stop us using powerful drugs to treat cancer, while still trusting God to be the healer. It doesn’t stop us seeing counsellors and engaging with therapies in our pursuit of mental wellbeing.
Phil Parker, the developer of the Lightning Process, comments that people from all major religions, or none, have taken the training with him. He found that on no occasion did the Lightning Process conflict with their religious beliefs and practices, and some found that the basic universal human concepts of the training gave them a deeper insight into their faith.
‘The Lightning Process is a very logical and rational conversation that doesn’t cover, propagate or require anyone to take on any beliefs or concepts that don’t fit with their own perspective. It simply looks at how we can be more influential in our lives, happiness and health in a positive way.’ (Phil Parker)
I personally have found that the Lightning Process has given me tools to enable me to put my Christian faith into practice on an even deeper level.
‘Be transformed by the renewing of your mind’ (Rom 12:2). I think that the concept that our brains have the ability to actually change according to how we use them is actually a very biblical one.
The Lightning Process teaches tools which can enable us to ‘take thoughts captive’ (2 Cor 10:5). Becoming aware of our thoughts and how they affect us and learning to change this is one of the key parts of the Lightning Process. ‘…whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable – if anything is excellent or praiseworthy – think about such things’ (Phil 4:8).
The Lightning Process is a way of making this a daily reality. The impact on health is astounding.